Amelo Technical Institute (ATI) is one of the institutions established in 2015 under the strategic plan of skilling Uganda. Employers in Uganda often complain about the shortage of appropriately skilled workers and this has been reported [1] cost the country millions of shillings.
In an effort to holistically combat the over aching problem of shortage of adequate skilled labor force in the labor market, the Government of Uganda (GoU) is taking a deliberate move to enhance Public Private Partnerships (PPP). To this end government adopted a strategy to; construct new technical institutes equipping them with appropriate infrastructure and also involve the private sector in supporting training and skills development. Based on this background ATI is one of the institutes constructed to meet government’s objective of delivering quality skills to trainees in northern Uganda and the surrounding areas.
Amelo technical institute is a BTVET institution that provides hands on skills to trainees in the areas of Agriculture, Building and Concrete practice, Motor vehicle mechanics and motor cycle repair, Metal fabrication and welding, Hair dressing and beautification, Tailoring and garment cutting and Electrical installation at both formal and non-formal levels. Plans are under way to introduce other demand driven courses focusing on disadvantaged groups like Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), refugees, women and the rural illiterate. In a bid to establish Amelo Technical Institute as an outstanding and unique institute in the West Nile region fully prepared and equipped to implement the stipulated government policy, it has been deemed prudent to develop a strategic plan geared towards enhancing the provision of technical skills training and development.
The development of this plan under went a long participatory and consultative process that involved several stake holders such as Enabel, GIZ, BBB, the Board of Governors (BOGs) and Staff of ATI. BBB was especially helpful in offering training, mobilization, consultation and technical guidance in the development process of this plan. Sincere appreciation is also extended to Enabel and GIZ for their financial and material support during the development of this plan
It is hoped that a conscious and diligent implementation of this business plan will offer the intended changes in skills and technological advancement needed by the community and also help ATI realize its dream of becoming a centre of excellence in the provision of the demand driven skills in Madi and West Nile Sub-region.