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Amelo Technical Institute is located in Pakele sub-county, in Adjumani district in West Nile Region about 440km North West of Kampala and 4km from Adjumani town. It was started in 2015 under the umbrella of BTVET strategic plan of skilling Uganda. The intention of the BTVET plan is to denote a paradigm shift for skills development in Uganda. The institute is currently hosted by the district at the District farm institute at Olia about 15Km on Adjumani-Gulu highway.  Construction works on the main campus are on-going , At the current location, there are a number of structures, including two dormitories, one administrative block, a computer laboratory and store, four staff houses, multipurpose hall, a workshop which is currently housing four courses on a 1000-acre piece of land. Still under construction are; a piggery unit and goat house.

ATI has a total number of 35 staff, which includes 20 teaching staff and 15 non-teaching staff. Among the teaching staff are four females and 16 males. Non-teaching staff are 07 females and 08 males.

The current student enrolment stands at 150 students. Of these, 50 are on formal program and 100 on non-formal program. Of those offering non- formal training, 70% are refugees and 30% are from the host community.

Current courses include both non formal and formal programs. The  formal programs category, there is  Agriculture, Electrical installation, Building Construction, Welding and fabrication, Motor Vehicle mechanics and Tailoring. The non-formal programs on the other hand include; Hairdressing, computer, carpentry and joinery, and al

l courses offered on formal programs.

The governance structure at ATI is as follows; MoES oversees the operations of the institute and is represented by the BOGs. The institute management team includes; the principal, deputy Principal, director of studies, bursar, principal secretary, heads of departments, teaching and non-teaching staff.

The institute currently benefits different groups of persons and individuals.  Some of the direct beneficiaries include; refugee youth from South Sudan and the local hosting community which includes people from the entire West Nile Region and surrounding districts. Their main expectation is to acquire quality skills for sustainable living.

The following have been identified as  ATI’s  stakeholders; Central Government through line Ministry of Education and sports, Adjumani district Local Government, Staff, Students, Parents, Non-Governmental Organizations like Enabel, local industries like DIA, DIT, and UBTEB.